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Construction Contractor Evaluation Form

Construction Contractor Evaluation Form


The construction contractor evaluation form is created for the purpose of assessing the work of the construction contractor. This is necessary for all companies to ensure that the quality of work produced by the employee contractor is at par or not. This can be done for a specific project or for periodical evaluation.

Construction Contractor Evaluation Template
Construction Contractor Evaluation Template
Construction Contractor Evaluation Template
Construction Contractor Evaluation Template

You can Download the Construction Contractor Evaluation Form Template, customize it according to your needs, and Print it. Construction Contractor Evaluation Form Template is either in MS Word or Editable PDF.

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Contractor Information:

Identifies the contractor being evaluated and also the project details.

Evaluation Criteria:

A set of criteria to assess the contractor’s performance in various areas.

Rating Scales:

May include rating scales (e.g., excellent, satisfactory, poor) for each evaluation criteria to standardize scoring and also simplify comparisons between contractors.

Space for Comments:

Sections for the project owner to add comments regarding the contractor’s strengths and weaknesses based on each evaluation criteria.

Overall Assessment:

A designated area for the project owner to summarize their overall assessment of the contractor’s performance on the project.


Standardized Evaluation:

The template ensures a consistent and standardized approach to evaluating different construction contractors. This facilitates comparisons between contractors and helps in selecting the most qualified one for the project.

Improved Decision Making:

The evaluation criteria prompt project owners to consider important factors such as the contractor’s safety record, quality of work, and adherence to budget and schedule. This can lead to better-informed decisions about contractor selection.

Detailed Documentation:

The completed template serves as a record of the contractor’s performance on the project. This can be also helpful for future reference purposes.

Important Disclaimer: These templates are for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for legal advice. Before using any template, consult with an attorney to ensure it meets your specific needs. EditableForms.com is not a law firm and cannot accept legal requests.