You may be required to borrow money from a bank at some point. And before your loan gets sanctioned, you must fill out a loan application form.
The form will contain all your details and the reason for applying for the loan. The bank will carefully review all your details and sanction your loan amount.

Download the Loan Application Template, customize it according to your needs, and Print it. The loan Application Template is either in MS Word or Editable PDF.
Download the Loan Application Form Template for only $6.54.
Buy Now: 6.54 USDIf you are having problems downloading a purchased form, don’t hesitate to contact us and include your receipt number and the exact name of the document you purchased, and I’ll email you a copy.

Personal Information
Full Name
Date of Birth
Mother’s Maiden Name (Optional)
Gender (Optional)
Contact Information (address, phone number, email address)
Employment Information
Current Employer Name and Contact Details
Employment Start Date
Current Job Title
Previous Employer Information (Optional)
Loan Details
Loan Amount Requested
Purpose of the Loan
Financial Information
Bank Account Information (Routing number and account number)
Assets (Car, house, etc.)
Liabilities (Existing loans, credit card debt, etc.)
Standardized format:
The template provides a clear and organized structure to present your financial information to the lender. This can also help ensure your application is complete and processed efficiently.
Complete information gathering:
The template ensures all the essential information a lender typically needs to assess your loan eligibility and also creditworthiness is collected.
Saves time and effort:
The template can save you time and also effort compared to creating your own loan application from scratch.